I haven't been feeling amazing the last couple days. Everyone at work is sick. I decided to take a HPT, not sure why. The cheap Wondfro one looks like it has two lines. I stared at it in every light, took pictures of it with and without the flash. So I went to Walgreens and bought a First Response Early Results 6 Days Sooner. (Where they are way over priced, BTW.) That has a slight second line too. Maybe I'm imagining it.
I'm 9dpo today. My hCG beta was 9 last week, meaning it would be lower today. I'm not sure the sensitivity of these two brands. I don't understand why they would pick up on <9.
I'm more annoyed. This is like "happy new pregnancy" but probably isn't. I'm not a lucky person. It's probably leftover pregnancy hormones, or broken tests, or leftover parts they didn't get from the D&C. Something other than a successful pregnancy. I hate pregnancy test. I'm going to keep taking them though.
Those goddamn FRERs are super-sensitive. They detected a beta of 6 for me.