Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just Don't Get It

I O'ed today, yesterday, or I'm going to tomorrow.  I can't really tell since I don't have the typical ovulation pains.  I had a +OPK on CD17 at 1AM and tested again at 1PM and it was also positive and darker.  But by 6PM they were both negative again so I'm going to put CD18 down as my O day.

I have to say the one thing that irritates me most is Bean's lack of "performance" sometimes.  I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end expecting too much, or a problem on his end that is mental or physical.  Most times during the month I don't care what he does after I get my pleasure.  But for a couple days when I hear "I don't think I'm going to cum" it pisses me off.  What the fuck do you mean?  I don't get it, maybe because I'm not a guy so I don't know how everything works.  Maybe it's the frame of mind he's in at the time.  I woke him up today at 6AM for this reason, and I'm not a morning person.  No luck.  I waited 'til 5PM when he got home from work and after 30 minutes and about 5 positions something happened.  Does anyone else have this problem?  It makes me angry.  In the end I got what I needed anyways.  Countdown To Pregnancy is giving our Intercourse Timing Analysis a "Very High" AKA 20%, which is as high as it gets, and the same thing we got last cycle.  So yay!

I always hear how a women's libdo is supposed to increase around O.  I don't get that.  In fact it becomes painful.  It feels like he just keeps punching my left ovary with his penis over and over again.  Then again there isn't really anywhere else for him to stick it.  I just want it done as soon as possible.

I used my Softcup the last two times we BD'ed.  Both times it leaked and I've ended up wading around with wet underwear.  But when I pull it out there was still stuff left in the cup so that's good.  
CD18, O

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