Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cycle #14

Just a quick update. My new cycle did start Monday, so tomorrow will be my first dose of Femara. I also called my RE and scheduled my first ultrasound for August 3rd (CD12).

I'm not sure why AF came a week early. Maybe the Met or past Clomid had something to do with it. Ether way it is one less week of waiting.

I'm still unsure if I'll be using fresh or frozen sperm for this upcoming cycle since Bean's work schedule is still up in the air. I try not to worry about it though since there is no guarantee that I'll even respond to the new drugs. And if there is no response then this IUI will be canceled also.

Even though I haven't tried many drugs sometimes I do feel like I'm poking around with this IUI stuff and just wasting time 'till I get to the top of the IVF waiting list. Oddly enough seeing the end a year or so off is more of a blessing than it sound. Especially with dealing with day to day life.

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